Scholars, policy makers, administrators and scientists across various disciplines, and practitioners on the frontlines of education, health sciences, and social service delivery have recognized the need for a research protocol focused on the unique demands for the ethical engagement of Black communities in research, data collection and evaluation processes. The objectives of establishing A Research, Evaluation, Data Collection, and Ethics Protocol for Black Populations in Canada are to:
1. Build upon our growing interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral collaborative partnerships.
2. Craft and implement a research, evaluation and data collection protocol to guide the ownership, control, access, and sharing of information about Black individuals and communities collected for the purpose of research, evaluation and community engagement .
3. Assist Black communities in Canada, researchers, evaluators, data collectors, scientists, policy makers, funders, and donors in public, private and public-private initiatives, partnerships, collaborations and or organizations to think through the nuances of conducting ethical and beneficial research, evaluation and/or data collection with and for Black communities.
LLana James and Ciann L. Wilson – two members of the Black Life Collective – drafted a research, evaluation and data collection protocol. This draft was workshopped in preparatory meetings in March and April, 2018 in Toronto and Vancouver, respectively, to review and pilot practical applications and uses of the protocol with researchers, scientists, policy makers, and community folks. Nova Scotia also holds a unique place in informing this protocol. As the location of some of Canada’s oldest Black communities, Nova Scotia is an important site of place-based, grassroots community conversations, mobilization, and discussions in opposition to colonization and the various manifestations of anti-black racism and its impact on research, education, evaluation, and the criminalization of Black Nova Scotians. With great respect, we continue to centre the realities of multi-generational Black Canadians and their historic and continued efforts for self-determination.
The protocol has received funding support from: